The Magnitude of Chirpiness by Shirley Puiyan Cheung

I was bowled over by the nature around me in the middle of East London. First it was the most relaxed fox in my garden having a nap without a care in the world; then came the sound of the singing sparrows outside my balcony.
I was intrigued by the songbirds and went about a little investigation during lockdown. The video clips that I have recorded were only for my record keeping, I didn’t think that I had a story to tell until I was invited to submit a piece for Touch. The making this video had took me way out of my comfort zone as a painter and woodcut printer. I enjoyed the challenge immensely and have learnt so much.
Shirley Puiyan Cheung is…

…an artist based between Oxford and London. She spent her childhood in the countryside of Hong Kong, with ten dogs, four cats, wild lizards, geckos, Mimosa Pudica (Sensitive Plants), many crayons and Lego bricks.
She draws her inspiration from her surroundings and friends from an art group in East London which she has been a part of for over a decade. Her love of nature allows her to explore the process of turning art form from literal to abstract images and illustrations. The cultural diversity in London is a major influence in everything that she does. Life is a journey – she captures the moments with the various mediums.
Instagram: tigerpea_paints