EcocNews :: Italy
Not exactly a theatre company or practitioner, and not just Italy, but EcocNews is the first online newspaper entirely dedicated to national and European Capitals of Culture, created in the South of Italy in Matera, one of 2019’s European Capitals of Culture.
Based in: Matera, Italy
Contact: / +39 338.4299742

EcocNews is the first online magazine entirely dedicated to national and European capitals of culture. Entirely in English, the magazine was born from the need to give a common home to the European capitals of culture, currently already nominated until 2025, to the European cities that apply for this title, but also to the national capitals of culture and cities who are applying to earn this title.
Currently Ecoc News is divided into four sections: News, offering the main news; Capitals, where you can find information on what is happening in the national and European capitals of culture; Events, with the main cultural productions; and Ecoc of the Year, with the activities developed by the European capitals of the year ongoing (Galway and Rijeka for 2020-2021).
EcocNews comes with good heritage – founder Serafino Paternoster worked as former coordinator of the Matera 2019 press office both during the candidacy and the capital year – and director is Mariateresa Cascino with the editorial support of Caterina Venece.
“The website is a candidate to become an important support tool for the communication of the capitals of culture and it covers an information gap that has never been filled in the 35-year history of European capitals,” says Mariateresa Cascino.
The magazine will host contributions from some of the authoritative experts in the European capital of culture and the structure will soon be enriched with new sections. In particular, the goal is to host an archive not only of the capitals, but also of the other candidate cities, so that their rich work is not lost.
Among the news currently on the website, there are also several calls for international artists and creative industries.
On the technical side, the website is curated by Vertigo with webmaster Giancarlo Riviezzi and web developer Gaetano Caivano.